Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Miracle...

So I'm in the home stretch of my pregnancy here and things are getting hairy. I TRY not to complain but my biggest issue is that I'm not sleeping. I say that and you probably don't believe me but it's the honest truth that I sleep an average of 3-4 hours a night and the rest of the time I watch my recorded episodes of "Designed to Sell" and check out everyones blogs. The main issue is that I have restless less syndrome in my right leg but I also have hip pain and overall discomfort. Shockingly I handle the days pretty well, I'm not quite a zomby but I'm not really a whole person either. WELL, yesterday I received a miracle in the form of a tiny little pill from my doctor and I slept for eight hours! And the real kicker is that I only got up once to use the facilities!! Yea for Ambien and yea for my Doctor for prescribing it- I will forever be loyal to him. I only got 15 pills though so this baby better not take her sweet time in getting here, though she can have another two weeks or so if she needs it. Did I mention that it's a girl- a friend of mine said she didn't know and since I'm the worst blogger ever I might not have mentioned it. It is a girl and we have no name for her yet, maybe we should call her Ambien....?


Brittany Hall said...

Hey, did you know that Bonnie has RLS? She has this essential oil stuff that takes care of it like that. (fingersnap) You should ask her about it- although hopefully that problem will take care of itself soon. :)

Becca said...

Ooh! I love that name!!! I so remember those last few weeks!As exciting as they are they are for sure the pits!Sleep... that's like the Dodo bird!!! GONE!!!!!

Enjoy your pill!!!

Jessie said...

I need some of that medicine!! he he....I love the name Ambien but does Joe approve?

Kristin and Kurt Bryant said...

I sell Ambien! Yeah, it is awesome. Doctors call it the "velvet hammer". That would be a cool name for the baby! I am glad you liked it! I know there is nothing worse than the last few months of pregnancy sleeping. No fun!

Rachel said...

Yay for sleep! I love those rare 8-straight hour nights!!

Teuscher said...

If I knew you weren't asleep I would be giving you a ring!! Wa hooo for Ambien. I'm almost as excited for you as I was for me when I took that first pill! I love your friend you calls it the velvet hammer- great description. I can truly empathize with you- I'm doing a happy dance for you. Love you guys!

Hansen Family said...

you're so funny..Ambien! We are waiting for your arrival! you are in our prayers